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Updated: Apr 14

In my last 2 posts on this chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra - Home of our Inner Sun & Solar Plexus - Ways to Connect & Balance - we look at how this energy centre connects us to the element of Fire, our willpower, self-esteem & purpose, and crystals, particularly ones that radiate the energy of the golden rays of the Sun, perfect for aiding us with this!

There are so many crystals that are perfect for assisting with all aspects of this chakra. This post will include my top picks, crystals used regularly in my Crystal Healing sessions, plus a nice long list of suggestions.

When it comes to working with crystals for your Solar Plexus, or any chakra, it really depends on your intention. How do you want to your crystal to assist? What aspect of your Solar Plexus energy are you focusing on?

Building self-esteem? EG. Sunstone or Citrine

Anger issues? EG. Smokey Quartz or Peridot

Working on boundaries? - EG. Bronzite or Shungite

Courage? EG. Septarian or Tigers Eye

Igniting your willpower? - EG. Pyrite or Tigers Eye

Confidence boost? EG. Prehnite or Pyrite

Personal transformation? EG. Labradorite or Ametrine

Do your research, use your intuition, and find one that resonates with you. Always trust your inner knowing & trust what resonates. Your energy knows!!

MY TOP 5 Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals

These 5 crystals are the ones I am often guided to use in my Crystal Healing & Chakra Balance sessions. Other crystals may be used for different purposes, but these definitely pop up more often for the Solar Plexus.


I love this crystal! And it's gorgeous energy! It's not a surprise that Honey Calcite wants to work in my client's sessions frequently, as it is wonderful support during times of transformation, spiritual growth & when we need to regain our strength & stand in our power. It assists in increasing self-esteem, confidence & courage.


The crystal version of the blue & white 'evil eye'! Very grounding & protective, Tigers Eye balances yin/yang energy and shows us how to use our power for good. Support during transition and offers courage & strength. Helps to clear scattered thoughts & resolve internal conflict. A wonderful stone to assist with issues of self-worth, particularly if you are heavy with the self-criticism. Great for clearing creative blocks.


The more I learn about this crystal, the more I want to fill the Studio with its energy!

Golden Healer takes the Master Healer energy of Clear Quartz to a whole other level! Very high vibrational. It purifies, aligns & re-energises all the chakras. But when used at the Solar Plexus, it releases old emotional conditioning being held in the energy centre.

There's so much more but let's keep it short! Beautiful energy, and so amazing for healing sessions!


Energising & creative, Citrine awakens the higher mind and assists in cleansing the chakras. It is a wonderful stone to help raise self-esteem and self-confidence, enhancing individuality & encouraging self-expression.

It's a beautiful, joyful energy.


Rhyolite facilitates change & ignites the potential of the soul. It's a very calming energy that assists in bringing you into a deeper meditative state in which to journey, great for past life healing. It helps you to process the past, integrating it into the present. Wonderful for facilitating emotional release & bringing awareness of one's own strength, & acceptance of your true self.


Mookaite Jasper

Brecciated Jasper


Yellow Jade

Golden Rutilated Quartz


Yellow Apatite


Yellow Aventurine,




Yellow Turquoise

Yellow Calcite





Yellow Fluorite

Libyan Desert Glass


Yellow Tourmaline

Clear Quartz

Lemon Quartz


Calligraphy/Elephant Jasper,

Smokey Quartz.

Of course, Yellow & Gold are well represented here! Yellow is the colour frequency that resonates with this chakra, however, it's not the only way to look at crystals & our chakras, as I've mentioned in my previous chakra crystal posts for Base Chakra & Earth Star.

Crystal ‘meanings’ aren’t law, it may say it’s suited to a different chakra but it doesn’t mean it won’t work on others, again, I come back to intention. Some of my suggestions may not be overly conventional, but each one assists in one, or more, aspects of working with your Solar Plexus. Use your intuition. I’ll always bring you back to trusting your inner knowing!

I look forward to bring you the next 3 instalments in this Chakra series, all about the Heart Chakra!

Much Love, Terésa xx

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