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BASE (Muladhara) CHAKRA - Our Foundation Chakra

Updated: Apr 14

Nikola Tesla said 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibration'. Humans are included in that equation. Our bodies are made up of energy. Our chakra system is a series of energy centres, both within the physical body, and the energetic bodies, processing thought, emotion, sound, body functions, and so much more. It's so important to your healing journey to understand your energy & how it is effected.

Located at the base of our spine, your Base or Root chakra, forms our foundation. The first of our physical body chakras, our Base relates to survival and our connection to our bodies & the physical plane, the material world. According to Hindu yogic philosophy, this chakra’s colour is RED, and represents the element of EARTH. It's symbol is the 4 petal lotus, it's centre a circle with a square inside, inside the square is a downward pointing triangle.

Our Base chakra governs -

  • Our basic survival needs- food, shelter, safety, money, etc.

  • Our sense of belonging & purpose

  • Our security

  • Our ability to stand up for ourselves

  • Our groundedness

This chakra defines the concept of ‘being’. It is our ‘I AM’ chakra.

Conception, birth, physical vitality, activity & action on the physical plane are generated from the Base chakra. It physically governs the lower body, our bones, genitals, our elimination system, circulatory system and adrenal glands.

As it is assisted by our Earth Star, similar aspects such as connection to earth, groundedness, and tribal/family connections are present here. This is an essential link for grounding and anchoring your energy. This connection offers us the ability to expel all our energetic 'waste' to be composted by Mother Earth. You can read my previous posts on the Earth Star HERE.

This chakra forms the first 7 years of our lives and will become imbalanced and need support, if you have experienced any trauma, anything that has affected your stability or survival, such as physical violence, neglect or abandonment, major illness, particularly during these

formative years. Even birth trauma can create imbalance in this energy centre.

The lesson of this chakra is SURVIVAL and the right to exist & its biggest block is FEAR.

An imbalanced Base chakra, either overactive or blocked,

can show in any number of ways...

  • depression, anxiety,

  • fear about security & safety, irrational fear

  • jealousy, selfishness, cynicism

  • lack of energy or vitality, lethargic

  • materialism/greed, hoarding

  • eating issues/disorders,

  • anger, impatience

  • insecurity/instability, trouble setting boundaries

  • fearful, disconnected,

  • sexual issues

  • restless, ungrounded,

  • financial instability, scarcity/lack mindset

  • inability to let go of the past,

  • addiction, neglect of self

  • physical dysfunctions in the areas governed by this chakra.

The good news is these problems can be balanced and healed so you can feel safe, secure, stable and abundant, connected & trusting again.

Cleansing & activating your Base chakra offers feelings of stability & groundedness, a sense of belonging in the world, an increase in energy & confidence, fear will no longer be a controlling factor, and you will feel more connected to the people, particularly family, & the world around you, more open to the abundance available. A balanced Base means emotional & mental balance, it brings balance to the higher chakras and allows us to release negative emotional energies. In my next blog post, I will cover ways you can bring your Base into balance.

Did you know that our planet has its own powerful energy centres? Earth's own Base, or Root, chakra is said to be Mount Shasta, in California, USA. Considered a holy place, and the centre of the world, by the Native Americans, this dormant volcano, located in the Cascade Mountain Range, is believed to contain a high-energy vortex. For centuries, travelers have been drawn here. It is believed to be THE place to ground yourself & find stability, drawing healing powers from the base of the earth. Have you visited Earth's Base chakra? Let me know your experience!

Love & Blessings, Terésa xx

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