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The Wheel Of The Year - Lammas


LAMMAS or LUGHNASADH - Feast of the Bread

Southern Hemisphere - February 1st

Northern Hemisphere - August 1st

The first of three Harvest celebrations on the Wheel of the Year, traditionally, Lammas celebrates the first wheat or barley harvest of the year and gratitude to those with the skills to tend them.

Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is a community based Sabbat focusing on baking & sharing bread, enjoying a beer, feasting with neighbours, transitioning from preparation to action, & honouring the force of the summer Sun’s light & the coming of Autumn. It's a time of ripening. A wonderful time to focus on blessings & abundance, success & goals.

The halfway point between Summer Solstice & Autumn Equinox is when we ask 'What do you need to protect & nurture in your life and what needs to be 'harvested'? Does anything need completing, loose ends need tying up?

Now is the time to reflect on our journey, acknowledging our hard work & the 'fruits of our labour', showing gratitude for what we have. Celebrate you!

As The Wheel turns, heading towards the darker months, we begin to prepare for the changes in the seasons and the turning of our energies within. But for now, we look to the Sun & celebrate abundance!


  • Gold, orange, yellow or green

  • Candles, grains, berries, apples, corn dollies, cornucopias,

  • Sunflowers, oak leaves, calendula flowers, clover, ivy, poppies, heather

  • Crows, roosters, cows, bees, stags, pigs

  • Citrine, peridot, carnelian, aventurine, tigers eye, & obsidian.


  • Honour gods & goddesses of hearth & harvest, grain & agricultural deities, and the Goddess in her Mother aspect, EG. Demeter, Isis, Cerridwen, Lugh, Odin, Inanna, Ceres.

  • Bake bread or apple pie,

  • Drink elderberry wine or beer,

  • Support local farmers,

  • Make corn dollies

  • Connect with the Earth,

  • Reflect on your eco-footprint,

  • Learn a new skill,

  • Make Lammas incense with herbs and resins like Frankincense, Golden Rod, Vervain, Rosemary, Heather, Marigold,

  • Do a house blessing or protection,

  • Perform rituals or spells for gratitude, cleansing, protection, prosperity & abundance.

Abundant Blessings xx Terésa

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