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HEART CHAKRA - How to Connect & Balance

In my last post, HEART CHAKRA - The Power of Love, I wrote about what the Heart chakra governs in our body & our life and what it looks like when unbalanced.

Today, we look at different ways we can bring this energy centre into balance.

Because what a difference in our lives when we do!

When our Heart chakra is in harmony-

  • we feel balanced & peaceful.

  • we are generous & giving, compassionate & pure of heart.

  • we have the ability to express love to self & others, to accept support, to truly forgive others, to forgive ourselves & ‘move on’.

  • we are able to have healthy, happy intimate relationships, have an awareness of our right to love & be loved and are able to maintain long-term relationships.

  • we are able to say ‘no’ to others, without guilt.

  • we are patient with self and others, tolerant of life and people, we feel a brotherhood & sisterhood.

  • we are empathetic, sympathetic & understanding.

  • we have a sense of playfulness & innocent childlike love, unconditional love & affection.

  • we feel whole & content.

How amazing does that sound?!! Let’s look at achieving it...


  • EMOTIONS - Be honest & let your emotions out. Scream into a pillow, have a heart to heart with a friend, seek professional counselling, or journal it. Acknowledge them, feel them, verbalise them in a safe environment, release them, because holding them in, or repressing them, leads to more pain.

  • BREATHWORK & MEDITATION - The Heart chakra governs our lungs, so learn to breath properly. Most of us don’t, shallow breathing or holding our breath is common but not beneficial. Learn deep breathing techniques & get the breath of life flowing again. Alllow the breath to help you release the stored tension in your body.

Meditation is a wonderful way to connect in with your Heart space. Visualise vibrant green energy flowing into your body with every inhale, releasing any negative energy on the exhale. Or practice a Heart chakra guided meditation.

  • ACCEPTANCE & GRATITUDE - Accepting yourself and acceptance of life as it is, as it is happening, is a powerful spiritual tool. If you find you can’t, ask yourself why? Then see if that can be changed in any way. Expressing gratitude reminds you to see the positive aspects of your life. It interrupts the ‘mind chatter’.

  • SELF LOVE/SELF CARE - Show yourself some love! Unconditionally!! Whatever way, shape or form that takes. Allow yourself some nurturing. Notice harsh thoughts & feelings towards yourself, acknowledge them, let them go, replace them with kind & loving affirmations.

  • LETTING GO - Work on letting go of what no longer serves you. This can take focus but it frees up space for wonderful energy. Letting go paves the way for new growth & opportunities. Practice forgiveness, if it feels right for you to do so. Work on releasing past hurts. Nuture the wounded parts of yourself. There are many techniques to help you with this &, in some cases, professional counselling may be needed.

  • EXPRESS LOVE & PRACTICE RELATING TO OTHERS - Express your love to the people in your life. Gratitude, touch, be of service, spend quality time with them. Random acts of kindness. Reconnect with an old friend, if it feels right. Practice listening & being present, without the need to give advice, just holding space for someone.

  • CRYSTALS - As always, crystals will get their own post! Stay tuned for my Top Picks for the Heart Chakra & a comprehensive list of beautiful crystals that can assist with the many aspects of healing and aligning this energy centre. In the meantime, you can read one of my many other crystal blog posts, here.

Much Love! xx Terésa

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