Southern Hemisphere - September 20th-23rd
Northern Hemisphere - March 19th-21st

At the Equinoxes, we find day & night are equally long, the perfect balance of light & dark. Representing the dualities of Nature - Masculine/Feminine, above/below, yin/yang, etc.
From Spring Equinox until Mabon (Autumn Equinox), there will be more light than darkness. As the world grows brighter, the earth awakens & there is the promise of hope & new life.
This Equinox celebrates the return of the Sun, and Ostara, named for the Germanic goddess, Eostre , is one of four solar festivals in The Wheel of the Year.

At this time, nature wakes from its winter hibernation & the first signs of budding flowers & green shoots appear. It is a time of balance, new life & new beginnings.
Traditionally, this Solstice was a time for decorating eggs, hunting, & feasts, a time to plan & plant new crops. It was a time of joy, honouring the Spring & Earth goddesses. Today, it is a time for 'planting seeds', both physically & spiritually, checking in with ourselves to see where & how we can grow & thrive and focusing on our light!
Yellow, sky blue, pink, green, silver, white, lavender.
Moss Agate, Tree Agate, Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Jade, Aventurine, Bloodstone.
Eggs, Flowers especially Bulb flowers such as Tulips, Daffodils etc, Seeds, Baskets,
Butterflies, Rabbits, Hares, Lambs, Chicks, Bees.
Apple or Orange tree, Daisy, Jasmine, Flowers especially Bulb flowers such as Tulips, Daffodils etc, Violets, Lemongrass, High Johns Root, Sandalwood.

Setting goals & intentions, journal work.
Spring cleaning & blessing of the home
Decorating or dying eggs or weaving a flower crown
Planting bulbs or flowers, planting seeds, planning your garden
Spend time in Nature
Learn the pagan origins behind the symbols of eggs, rabbits, etc used in the Christian Easter celebrations - read about the goddess Eostre & the Hare.
Rituals for abundance, new beginnings, birth/rebirth, manifestation, balance
Honour gods & goddesses of Spring, Earth & Fertility, as well as the goddess in her Maiden aspect - Eostre, Gaia, Venus, Aphrodite, Persephone, Freya, The Green Man, Osiris, Pan, Odin, Adonis.
Sending blessings & love on Ostara! May you find joy & abundance in all you do!
xx Terésa
If you are looking for clarity around new beginnings, finding balance or growth, book a Psychic Reading with Terésa -