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THIRD EYE CHAKRA- Our Centre of Inner Vision


"The only real valuable thing is intuition''- Albert Einstein

Our 6th Chakra on the physical body, this energy centre is positioned in the centre of the head, between the brows.

The Third Eye, or Ajna, is our mental field, as well as the centre for intuition. Its colour, according to Hindi yogic philosophy, is INDIGO & its element is LIGHT.

It's symbol is a triangle inside a circle, with 2 lotus petals on each side. Looking very much like an eye shape!

Our insight, perception & psychic abilities originate here. It is our ‘I SEE’ chakra.

Our Third Eye Chakra governs -

  • Your potential for spiritual awareness.

  • Intuition & your ability to trust yourself.

  • Intellect

  • Imagination

  • Insight, Perception, seeing the 'bigger picture', visualisation

  • Clarity, decisiveness

It relates to self & self-responsibility for ones journey & personal development. You are responsible for raising your awareness, enabling you to hear, feel, see & understand the messages and clarity is gained through meditation or times of reflection. A well balanced Third Eye connects us to our higher wisdom, insight & psychic abilities, especially Clairvoyance.

The core issue relating to this chakra is PERCEPTION, the key journey of the Third Eye being to realise that we create our own reality by what we focus on & what we perceive.

The main block to our Third Eye, or Brow, chakra, is DELUSION, ILLUSION or LIES.

The way we see the world is affected by our past, our experiences, our beliefs, our fear, etc, and, so, by balancing our 6th chakra, we connect with our intuitive insight, that which transcends our five senses & limitations of time & space...our extra sensory perception.

Our THIRD EYE, when out of balance, either underactive or overactive,

can show up as -

  • Prejudice or have negative perceptions towards people & situations

  • Focus only on intellect & science, rejecting our intuition & spiritual aspects of life

  • Being unfocused, confused, fearful & anxious

  • Rigid thinking patterns & unable to see the bigger picture

  • Inablility to differentiate between illusions & reality

  • Isolation

  • Feeling stuck in day to day life

  • Fear the truth and afraid of looking deeper than the superficial

  • Some may even suffer nightmares, hallucinations or stuck in fantasy.

  • Physical issues, such as, sinus issues & headaches, vision or hearing problems, insomnia, dizziness or poor memory.

In my next post, I will give you practical ways to connect to & bring your Third Eye Chakra into balance.

DID YOU KNOW? The Earth has her own chakras? Energy centres around the world that resonate the energy of our own chakras. The Earth's Third Eye Chakra, according to astrologers, moves to a different location, every eon, which is roughly 2100 years.

Every move, it's location corresponds with one of the other major chakras.

Currently, it is aligned with Earth's Heart Chakra - spreading through Stonehenge, Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England. Says alot for where our energies should be aligned as a planet right now. Compassion, healing, seeing the bigger picture...I could go on! And we, as a global community, could be so much MORE!

Blessings, Terésa xx

Follow on Facebook & Instagram @theradiantmystic

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