'There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you'. - Maya Angelou
The Throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is the 5th major chakra in the physical body. It is located at the physical throat, the centre of the neck. Its colour is BLUE, according to Hindi yogic philosophy, and its 'element' is ETHER or SOUND.
It's symbol is a circle inside an inverted triangle, surrounded by a 16 petalled lotus flower.

Our honesty, trust & loyalty originate here.
It is our ‘I SPEAK’ & ‘I LISTEN’ chakra.
Our Throat chakra governs -
Communication & speech
Speaking our truth
Creative vision
Feelings and emotions are transformed into expression & they are communicated here. Clarification of your needs is expressed to others. When you are truly balanced in this chakra, you will not voice intellectually or emotionally programmed belief systems, but speak from a place of knowing & deep inner truth. The identification & expression of individual will stems from this energy centre. When our will is strong, we are not pushed or pulled by external forces. Our ability to be strong-willed is directly linked to the state of our Solar Plexus chakra - our self-worth.

The lesson of the Throat chakra is the right to speak & express ourselves & our authentic beliefs. To be able to have the strength to march to our own tune, make our own decisions, to speak up & speak out, without fear of judgement or being influenced by the will of others. The biggest block to this chakra is lies & manipulation.
A blocked Throat chakra is the result of an accumulation of experiences, usually from childhood, where you were victimised, silenced, or taught that your opinions don’t matter. Slowly, you were taught to hold your tongue, your words, deny yourself expression.

THROAT IMBALANCES, in underactive or overactive states, can show up as -
Fear of speaking
Fear of self-expression, inability to express yourself
Constant need to talk
Speaking abruptly & with anger
Needing to be the centre of attention
Fears of being judged
Feeling unworthy of being listened to
Poor listener
Ignoring your will & inner voice
Problems with the physical areas governed by this chakra - throat issues, thyroid issues, jaw tension...and more!
My next Throat Chakra post will bring practical ways to bring your Throat into balance.
Before I go, DID YOU KNOW the Earth has her own CHAKRAS?? Energy centres around the world that resonate the energy of our own chakras. The Earth's Throat Chakra, consists of 3 locations, and is found at The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, Mount Sinai, Egypt and Mount of Olives, Jerusalem. This triangle is considered the 'voice of the earth'.
Next Throat Chakra post coming soon, stay tuned!
Blessings, Terésa xx
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To book a Chakra Healing with Terésa, click below -