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THIRD EYE CHAKRA - Ways to Connect and Balance


Following on from my last Chakra post, Third Eye Chakra - Our Centre of Inner Vision, let’s look at ways you can bring your Third Eye Chakra into balance & functioning well.

When our Third Eye Chakra is balanced & harmonious -

  • We see & experience our world in a more holistic & expansive way.

  • You realise you are not bound by the physical limitations of what your current circumstances look like on the surface

  • You see all possibilities

  • You are empowered to move from a place of clear vision & truth within

  • We have trust in our intuition & inner wisdom

  • We are aware of & can connect to energy, finding it easy to ‘read’ people.

  • May find increased clairvoyance, dream life and connection to past lives

  • You balance intellect with intuition

  • You feel well-grounded, calm & compassionate

  • Here is where we connect to the part of creation which is beyond science & physical manifestation. We begin to ask questions of the Spirit, questioning our existence & interrelationship with the Universe, and we recognise ‘Being’.


  • MEDITATION & VISUALISATION - Meditation, visualisation, mindfulness & grounding exercises are wonderful for working with this chakra. Make time for silence & solitude. There are many wonderful guided meditations & visualisations on youTube.

  • PSYCHIC EXERCISES - Practicing psychic skills such as clairvoyance, mediumship, aura reading, scrying or dreamwork all work this energy centre. Pay attention to & act on your intuition. Please do your research, or seek assistance, if you have never done psychic work before.

  • OPEN TO YOUR INTUITION - Set an intention each morning to act on your intuitive signals. Or use daily affirmations. Learn your body’s personal intuitive responses - a tingle or shiver? a feeling in your gut? How does your body & senses show you? Try muscle testing. Learn not to question those unexplainable shifts in energy & inner knowing

  • LIGHT & SIGHT - Take a break from your screens and get outside! Connect with the element of Light by getting out in the sun. Indulge your Sight! Find interesting & inspiring things for your eyes - Art, Photography, Nature, Books, the Night Sky etc....or use your inner sight and us your imagination & day dream!

  • CREATE ART - Engage in your favourite art form regularly. Creating art helps bring

    harmony to several of the chakras, particularly the Third Eye & Crown.

  • GROUNDING & BODY AWARENESS - If your imbalance is an overactive Third Eye, you may feel your mind racing. Drop into your body. Do some grounding techniques to slow the mind & calm the nervous system.

  • DETOXING/CLEANSING - Eliminating chemicals such as alcohol, pesticides etc, detoxes the body, but also, is said to detoxify the pineal gland, which works with the pituitary gland, both of which are associated with this chakra. There is so much information on this, and arguments for & against its relevance, on the internet! Educate yourself, do your research & use your intuition on whether you feel it will work for you. I hold to the opinion that there is no one thing that works for all bodies, so be sure your choices will work for your body.

  • ENERGETIC CORRESPONDENCES - Here we look at colour frequency, foods, crystals, plants/herbs that resonate with the Third Eye. Deep blue, Indigo & Purple resonate here, so wear, or eat foods, these colours. Crystals such as Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Kyanite, Azurite & Tanzanite are wonderful for working with this chakra. Blue Vervain, Lavender, Mugwort & Blue Lotus are examples of herbs that assist in balancing this energy centre, through teas, oils or incense, even cooking (if plant is digestible). Do your research before working with plants or herbs.

I hope these Chakra posts are helping bring a little more insight into your energy centres! I started at the Earth Star...and now we are on the home stretch as we work our way to the Soul Star Chakra.

Next up, we look at the Crown Chakra.

Blessings, Terésa xx

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