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SACRAL CHAKRA - Our Centre of Flow

Updated: Apr 14

'Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force.' - Lao Tzu.

The 2nd chakra , of the physical body, is our Sacral (Svadhishthana) Chakra, located between the genitals & navel.

Here we find our centre of flow. Our creativity, sexuality, sensuality, procreation, emotional intelligence, ability to relate & connect to others, our masculine/feminine balance & the energy of change all originate here. If you missed the last 2 chakra posts, you can start reading about your Earth Star here, and Base Chakra here.

The energy of our Sacral, according to Hindi yogic philosophy, is the colour ORANGE, its element is WATER and its symbol is a 6 petal Lotus, its centre a circle within a circle & a crescent moon in the middle, points up, creating a vessel shape.

Our Sacral Chakra governs -

  • Our feelings & emotions

  • Our sexuality/sensuality

  • Our creativity

  • Our desires & passion

  • Our adaptibility

  • Our ability to have fun & enjoy ourselves

  • Our sociability

  • Our relationships

This chakra is the base for your sense of morality & the life lessons connected to this energy centre involve guilt & blame, sex, power & control, and relationships, including our relationship with money. This is our ‘I FEEL’ chakra, this is where we store unhealed trauma & unexpressed emotion, our 'Mother' wounds often stem from here.

The Sacral balances the giving and receiving of emotions & our expression of emotional &

sexual needs in a relationship. It is where we ‘go with the flow’, letting go of control & moving harmoniously with the ebbs and flows of life and allowing pleasure, abundance & creativity into our lives.

Unfortunately, these days, few of us express well through this energy centre. As we enter the ages 7 - 14 years, the period of time associated with the development of this chakra, we were often told things like ‘cover yourself up’, ‘don’t touch yourself’ or any number of other things that affected our body awareness.

Girls learned about ‘the curse’ & all manner of ‘terrible’ things that happen to a woman’s body. Boys are rarely taught that these things are natural and not to be feared and they go

through their own negative programming, such as ‘Boys don’t cry’.

There are so many ways this negative programming about our physical body & emotional expression can affect us and we quickly learn to close down this type of expression because it is ‘unacceptable’.

The biggest block to this chakra is GUILT or SHAME.

An imbalanced Sacral chakra, either overactive or underactive/blocked, will show up in numerous ways -

  • unsure or uneasy with sexual or emotional issues,

  • suppressing needs,

  • inability to express feelings or emotions/emotionally unstable/overly sensitive,

  • compulsive/obsessive/controlling,

  • addictions/eating disorders,

  • guilt/shame,

  • difficulty setting boundaries,

  • lack of creativity,

  • judgmental/unforgiving/resentful,

  • inability to have fun or to play

  • insecure/shy/withdrawn

  • issues with primary caregivers/one on one relationships

  • fearful of change

  • tension

  • Depression

Physically, this chakra is linked to the reproductive system, lungs, immune system, lower back & pelvis, and the fluid flows of the body, such as blood, urine, lymph etc.

Issues can arise in these areas if this energy centre is out of balance.

The good news is these problems can be balanced & healed so you can feel joyful, sensual, creative & open to flow once again.

Cleansing & activating your Sacral chakra offers optimism, joy, adaptibility, acceptance & love of self & your sexuality/sensuality, expression of emotion, sexuality & creativity, healthier relationships (with self, money & others) & sex life, prosperity, greater manifestation, fertility, healthy boundaries, passion, energy & flow. A balanced Sacral means emotional balance and balanced Yin/Yang, Receptive/Active energies. In my next blog post, I will cover ways you can bring your Sacral into balance.

Did you know that our planet has its own powerful energy centres? Earth's own Sacral chakra is said to be Lake Titicaca, at the border of Peru & Bolivia, the largest lake of South America.

Considered a holy place by the ancient Incan civilisation, this lake not only contains the calmest water, but also a submerged temple! An energy vortex of creativity, it oversees the procreation across land & water in the area, and still considered sacred today. Have you visited Earth's Sacral chakra? Let me know your experience in the comments!

Much Love, Terésa xx

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