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SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA- Ways to Connect and Balance

Updated: Apr 14

In my last post - SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA - Home of our Inner Fire - I wrote about our 3rd physical chakra, what it governs & how, when imbalanced, our Solar Plexus can knock us around! Today, we look at different ways we can connect to & bring our Solar Plexus chakra into balance.

A balanced Solar Plexus shows up as -

  • Feeling confident, having strong self-esteem & self-respect, are able to maintain boundaries & say ‘no’.

  • Tolerance & acceptance of others

  • Strong-willed & showing assertiveness without dominating others

  • Strong organisational & analytical skills

  • Embracing our uniqueness & having a strong sense of who we are and feeling proud of this.

  • Having goals, direction & purpose in life

  • Reliability & following through with responsibilities.

  • Courageousness, motivation, quick-wit & quick to learn new things

  • Gut instincts are clear & acted upon

  • Awareness of our freedom to make choices & the ability to manifest our goals

  • Rational & intellectual thoughts

  • Maintaining balance of our material & spiritual worlds.

As said in my last post, this is our personal ‘Sun’, it is a powerful chakra. It’s fiery energy can help or hinder, transform, heal, burn out or turn into a, let’s work on


  • EDUCATE YOURSELF - Heard of the brain/gut connection? Work on this energetically too! Have a passion or hobby you enjoy? Is there something you’re interested in but don’t know much about it? Study it! Enrol in a class, follow some youtube tutorials or simply google it.

  • CHALLENGE YOURSELF - Write goals, break it down into steps to achieve them & take action. Take steps to be more confident & assertive, use these qualities to lead & guide others in a positive way. Push yourself slightly out of your comfort zone. Do mind puzzles or quizzes. Play sport or competitive games. Push some of the boundaries of your fears.

  • BE SPONTANEOUS - Try something new! Go somewhere you’ve never been! Little new experiences such as trying a new cafe, going to a local art exhibit or even just doing something like using the ‘good’ teacups, by yourself, for no reason!

  • LAUGH! - Laughter is amazing medicine. Watch a funny video on youtube, a favourite comedy series or spend time with those who make you laugh. Laughter makes you feel good, it’s fun & raises your vibration.

  • SUN & FIRE - Get out in the Sun! Spend time taking in some rays of golden goodness. Or spend time sitting by a fire & tuning into its healing energy. Do a candle ritual or meditate with candles. Listen to the sounds of fire crackling as sound therapy.

  • AFFIRMATIONS - Repeating affirming statements, particularly ones that begin with ‘I DO’, 'I AM', ‘I CAN’ or ‘I CHOOSE’, can be uplifting, change our negative mindset & be quite powerful.

  • COUNSELLING OR HOLISTIC THERAPIES - Reach out and seek help from professionals if you are struggling with trauma or abuse issues. Be sure your therapist is trauma-informed and can support you properly.

  • ENERGETIC CORRESPONDENCES - As mentioned in my Base Chakra post, these are items with a frequency that resonates with this chakra - Colour, Essential Oils, Sound, Herbs, & Foods can all assist in bringing our energy into balance. Vibrant Yellows or Golds will ususally resonate with the Solar Plexus chakra. Oils such as Basil, Ginger, Lemon, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Juniper, or Bergamot can be useful. Yellow food such as Pineapple or Corn...and, of course, Sunflower seeds resonate will our inner Sun!.

  • CRYSTALS - Crystals, of course, get there own post! Stay tuned for my Top Picks for your Solar Plexus & a comprehensive list of amazing crystals that assist with this fiery energy centre & what aspects they can help with. In the meantime, you can catch up on my crystals posts for Earth Star, Base Chakra & Sacral!

There are many more ways to assist in bringing your Solar Plexus into alignment, be sure to do your research and find what works for you!

Blessings, Terésa xx

Follow @theradiantmystic on Instagram or Facebook.

If you are interested in working with Terésa, click below to check out Distance Healing sessions -

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