'No one else can steward the fire inside of you, because only you are in charge of it' - Danny Silk (author)

The 3rd Chakra, of our physical body, is the Solar Plexus, or Manipura, and is found just below our sternum. This energy vortex is our inner 'sun', so naturally, the element associated with this chakra is FIRE...the element of transformation...just like Fire, if we leave it unattended and it can become harmful & burn out of control (excess/violent), or it can simply go out (deficient/unmotivated).
The colour of this energy centre is YELLOW, according to Hindi yogic philosophy, and its symbol is a circle surrounded by ten lotus petals, with a downward-pointing triangle inside. It is our 'I WILL' or 'I DO' chakra.

Our Solar Plexus chakra governs -
Our confidence & self-esteem
Self-acceptance, identity
Our ambition, determination & self-discipline
Inner harmony
Our self-control, reliability & responsibility
Willpower, motivation
Our sense of humour & spontaneity
Our personal power
Transformation, empowerment
Our ‘gut instincts’ & intuition
Development of this chakra & our sense of personal power (in the positive sense of the word) begins around age 14. At which stage, most of us have already struggled with the first 2 chakras, Base & Sacral, and so our sense of personal power is often distorted, limited or non-existent. It's here that we hold emotional trauma, EG - from an over-authoritative parent who did not allow their child to express feelings, ideas or thoughts, or abuse from a gaslighting partner.

The biggest block to this energy centre is trauma or abuse, any blows to our sense of self, our confidence or personal power. This energy centre is the narcissist's playground, it is where they 'attach' and drain energy from, distorting your sense of self, & leaving you feeling powerless. Narcissism stems from a severely unbalanced Solar Plexus...they don't want you to have what they themselves lack...they wish to block out the sun.
Two of the areas of the physical body governed by the Solar Plexus is our Nervous System & Digestive System, including stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver & gall bladder, unsurprisingly, when this chakra is blocked, we see alot of digestive issues or eating disorders, anxiety or aggression. Our metabolism & adrenals are also affected when this energy centre is out of alignment. These are our organs of digestion and assimilation, not just of food but of emotions.
(either due to underactivity or overactivity) can show up as -
an inferiority complex
sarcastic nature
pessimism, victim mentality
a need to control or reluctance to be spontaneous
anger issues, a need to dominate
distorted/overblown egos, arrogance
bottling emotions
emphasis on the material
lack of boundaries
hyper-critical, fearing criticism
lack of willpower or motivation
low self-worth, lack of confidence, not feeling good enough
needing to please
Phew! And that’s only the short list!!

The ultimate goals to balance our Solar Plexus is to be able to honour & accept yourself, act with personal power without ego taking hold or feeling better than others, have control over your emotions, & have trust in the direction your life is heading. And the great news is, it's achievable!
The Solar Plexus is the energetic home of our inner fire, igniting courage, willpower & personal transformation within us. Awaken your internal fire, reconnect with the spark of light within, by bringing your Solar Plexus into alignment. In my next blog post, I will be covering ways to bring your inner sun into balance.

Before I go though, did you know that the Earth's Solar Plexus energy centre can be found right here in Australia?! It is believed to be Uluru & Kata-Tjuta, 2 sites of breathtaking sacred red rock formations in Northern Territory. Revered by our First Nations people for centuries, these sites are sacred and when tuned in, the deep resonance of the powerful energy felt flowing through the area will connect you in to the ancient wisdom of Mother Earth and your own power.
If you want to catch up on the Chakra series, start HERE for the Earth Star chakra. HERE for the Base Chakra, or for the Sacral.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Blessings xx Terésa
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